Bavarian Tiger on the prowl
White and blue stands for the Bavarian way of life, and those colors have also been chosen for the Luftwaffe’s 74th Tactical Air Wing anniversary jet, the „Bavarian Tiger“. These special markings on a Eurofighter of TaktLwG74’s (Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader – Tactical Air Wing 74) have been applied in 2021 for this wing’s 60th anniversary. Additionally, they also stand for five years of being a full member of NATO’s Tiger Association (NTA).
According to the designer of this Tiger design, Alexander Hamm, the white and blue stripes of this Tiger jet do not only take up the familiar white and blue colours of the Bavarian flag, they also transition into shadowy mountains on the fuselage of this Eurofighter Typhoon, registered 31+01. This not only stands for TaktLwG74 Bavarian home, but also for its assigned area of operations, which comprises of whole Southern Germany. As part of their QRA duties, Neuburg’s pilots are responsible to protect Germany’s skies on a 24/7 basis.

And even more, the white and blue scheme does not only represent Bavarian clichés, it is also a reference to the two Neuburg’s Fighter Wing Squadrons, 741 Falcons and 742 Zapatas, as all of the colors were used on the scheme.
Speaking of the Tiger itself, he watches calmly and focused on the tail unit above the coat of arms of the Squadron. On top of the wings, big and bright yellow eyes are visible. They show the big cat well awake, and ready for the hunt!
The Tiger scheme on top of the fuselage is completed by a huge Squadrons emblem on the lower side of the fuselage, standing for the wing’s 60th anniversary in 2021. Two fuel tanks complete the scheme. Those are painted white, wearing the German national colors and remind to previous special schemes of the wing.

The photos in these article could be realized during the 60th anniversary celebrations of TaktLwG74 with support of LTG 63. Thank you all!
Neuburg’s Bavarian Tiger Photo Gallery
Links and Acknowldegements
Bavarian Tigers on the web: https://www.bavariantigers.com
Neuburg’s Fighter Wing on the web at Luftwaffe.de
Design and realization of the scheme by Hamm Werbung Neuburg, https://www.hamm-werbung.de
And last but not least, sincere thanks to Team Luftwaffe and everyone at TaktLwG 74 who made this great photo opportunity possible!